

Early Bird Gets the Coin!

Incentivizing Healthy Lifestyle


Early Bird Gets the Coin!

Incentivizing Healthy Lifestyle



People are ignoring scientific advice to change their unhealthy lifestyle choices

People are ignoring scientific advice to change their unhealthy lifestyle choices

● 2/3 of all deaths globally are related to “noncommunicable diseases” (NCD) (WHO, 2014a)

● 2/3 of all deaths globally are related to “noncommunicable diseases” (NCD) (WHO, 2014a)

● Physical Inactivity and poor Sleeping Habits are well established risk factors for NCDs

● Physical Inactivity and poor Sleeping Habits are well established risk factors for NCDs


People are ignoring scientific advice to change their unhealthy lifestyle choices

● 2/3 of all deaths globally are related to “noncommunicable diseases” (NCD) (WHO, 2014a)

● Physical Inactivity and poor Sleeping Habits are well established risk factors for NCDs

Market Size

Market Size

● Personal Care and Beauty

● Healthy Eating, Nutrition, and Weight Loss

● Physical Activity

● Wellness Tourism

● Traditional & Complementary Medicine

● Public Health, Prevention, and Personalized Medicine

● Wellness Real Estate

● Mental Wellness

● Spas

● Workplace Wellness

● Springs

Market Size

● Personal Care and Beauty

● Healthy Eating, Nutrition, and Weight Loss

● Physical Activity

● Wellness Tourism

● Traditional & Complementary Medicine

● Public Health, Prevention, and Personalized Medicine

● Wellness Real Estate

● Mental Wellness

● Spas

● Workplace Wellness

● Springs

GLOBAL WELLNESS ECONOMY: $4.4 Trillion in 2020

GLOBAL WELLNESS ECONOMY: $4.4 Trillion in 2020

GLOBAL WELLNESS ECONOMY: $4.4 Trillion in 2020

Health and Wellness Market Size

2020 to 2030 (USD Billion)

Health and Wellness Market Size

2020 to 2030 (USD Billion)

Health and Wellness Market Size

2020 to 2030 (USD Billion)

Target Market

Target Market

Target Market



Introducing an Incentivized Mechanism to Reward Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Every Healthy Habit Loop is missing the “Craving” part until it’s too late.

SnoozUp creates immediate incentives for people to complete this cycle by financially motivating them.


Introducing an Incentivized Mechanism to Reward Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Every Healthy Habit Loop is missing the “Craving” part until it’s too late.

SnoozUp creates immediate incentives for people to complete this cycle by financially motivating them.

Revenue Projection

Revenue Projection

Total Revenue ($)

Revenue Projection

Total Revenue ($)

MVP: SnoozUp App

MVP: SnoozUp App

MVP: SnoozUp App

Competition and Competitive advantage

Competition and Competitive advantage

Competition and Competitive advantage

Sleepagotchi raised $3.5M in Seed round

They are incentivizing daily sleep cycle with their own Token and NFTs

Our strategy does not involve forcing our users to use our token or NFT. Instead, we utilize Stable Coins, and reputable Cryptocurrencies alongside our own token. This approach helps us avoid inflating the circulation supply as the number of users grow and allows us to target a vast majority of Web3 community and health-conscious individuals.

Sleepagotchi raised $3.5M in Seed round

They are incentivizing daily sleep cycle with their own Token and NFTs

Our strategy does not involve forcing our users to use our token or NFT. Instead, we utilize Stable Coins, and reputable Cryptocurrencies alongside our own token. This approach helps us avoid inflating the circulation supply as the number of users grow and allows us to target a vast majority of Web3 community and health-conscious individuals.

Sleepagotchi raised $3.5M in Seed round

They are incentivizing daily sleep cycle with their own Token and NFTs

Our strategy does not involve forcing our users to use our token or NFT. Instead, we utilize Stable Coins, and reputable Cryptocurrencies alongside our own token. This approach helps us avoid inflating the circulation supply as the number of users grow and allows us to target a vast majority of Web3 community and health-conscious individuals.

Our Team

Our Team

Our Team







Thank You

For Listening!

Thank You

For Listening!

Thank You

For Listening!

The App that Rewards You

to Live a Healthier Life

The App that Rewards You

to Live a Healthier Life

Appendix 1, Revenue

Appendix 1, Revenue


Appendix 1, Revenue


Appendix 2, Business Model

Appendix 2, Business Model

Appendix 2, Business Model

early bird gets the coin

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Copyright SnoozUp 2024 - All rights reserved

early bird gets the coin

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Copyright SnoozUp 2024 - All rights reserved

early bird gets the coin

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Copyright SnoozUp 2024 - All rights reserved